M-am gândit că nu este moment mai bun să scriu despre depresie decât atunci când simt că mă prăvălesc din nou. Sincer, deschis, dar decent în limbaj și exprimare.
De ce sunt rău acum? Pentru că am secat rezervele de energie pentru relațiile mele interumane, mai ales cele apropiate, pentru că singurele persoane cu care pot vorbi ceva confidențe și am curajul să le spun sunt la mii de kilometri distanță, pentru că sunt jignită în propria casă și nu găsesc răspuns, pentru că în curând voi rămâne falită ca să îmi urmez visul - singură. Din toate punctele de vedere. Singură.
Simt singurătatea cum îmi arde măduva oaselor și articulațiile și pieptul.
Am descris posibila cauză și simptomele pe care le am. Ce să zic mai mult? Că sunt în anumite perioade în care sunt vulnerabilă, ăsta e cursul perioadelor mele. Dacă în aceste perioade se întâmplă să vină un stimul distructiv destul de puternic, care să mă lovească în ceva care e destul de important pentru mine, e greu să mă redresez, mai ales când în capul meu vuiește în continuu că e un moft ceea ce simt eu, că sunt leneșă, că pur și simplu eu sunt de vină că nu se întâmplă ceea ce vreau eu să se întâmple în viața mea. Și atunci cad ca un copil și spun: dacă nu pot să merg mai departe? Dacă simt că îmi arde măduva oaselor, ce sa fac? Poate chiar îmi arde... Chiar nu vrei să știi de ce mă arde?
Recapitulare: Există un mod de gândire deficitar care, cu timpul, la un stimul puternic care afectează negativ spre dezastruos mintea, scade imunitatea psihică. Netratată, această imunitate scade din ce în ce cu alte ocazii când este afectată negativ. Și problema devine din ce în ce mai complicată.
E greu să explici ceva de genul ăsta, mai ales când abia îți găsești cuvinte să îți vorbești ție însuți în gând. Pur și simplu vrei ca lucrurile să meargă foarte lent, sau eventual să stea, fără să mai mergi nicăieri mai departe. Să existe un buton prin care să oprești totul. Am citit azi despre o fată care se ura că se trezea dimineața. Nici eu nu sunt departe de asta. Am mai citit despre cineva care credea că punctul în care a început vindecarea ei a fost momentul în care problema ei a primit un nume - depresie - și, astfel, a putut despărți personalitatea ei de afecțiune.
Gândurile îmi sar de la unul la altul. De la mesele care trebuiau să fie mai consistente pentru mine azi, la părul care îmi cade tot mai mult, la cât aud din toate părțile că nu ar mai trebui să mă simt așa, că eu nu fac destule eforturi pentru ca viața mea să se schimbe în bine. Pentru toate sfaturile care ar putea apărea în urma acestei postări vă transmit pe această cale: nu am nevoie de sfaturi și nici de compasiune și nici de critici. De aia aveam reticențe că poate mai bine nu scriam pe blog, pentru că risc să primesc aceleași răspunsuri ca în viața reală.
Acum că m-am și enervat pe lângă cum mă simțeam, am să închei acum postarea asta, cum ar spune Loredana, să fie „ca un preludiu fără finalizare”.
sâmbătă, 15 noiembrie 2014
marți, 11 noiembrie 2014
The joy I am not used to feel
(excuse me if I make any mistakes in writing, English is not my first language)
I just found out that my dearest Andrew Solomon posted an article of mine ( http://marcott-age.blogspot.ro/2014/10/homo-depresius.html ) and the unfortunate me can't think of anything else but the comment he got that I didn't write about his book, the Noonday Demon, but about me coming out of depression.
I feel miserable. After the exhausting feeling of joy and pride I felt, now I fall at the buttom of the gap.
I feel miserable.
Let me explain. And let me talk about Noonday Demon.
Andrew Solomon was in Romania when I was in my darkest episode. I wanted to die, I wanted to just lay in bed and never wake up, I was suffering too much to go to the high sky abandoned building at Armeneasca to jump, which was my plan, while thinking jumping facing the sky or facing the ground. I wanted to die in sleep and was extremely afraid of dying at the same time. I kept telling myself that I am strong enough to ask for help then. After that I cried again. The thought that people I know would laugh at me that I am a crazy nuts, Emo style, buttom of society, failure, repugnant, just paralized me.
Few weeks before this I bought I book after a public recommendation, and the book was The Noonday Demon. I started reading it, although my concentration was very low - I said that a whole book about depression would make me feel better.
What I found was relief. When I read Andrew Solomon's words about the pain he felt, it was an analgesic for my pain. And I got to feel that I had a personal conversation with him. It was only his speech in my mind. And I realised that this is what I was looking for - someone to understand me and my pain. And there he was, in a book. And I understood the power of the community. They can torn you down as most of the people surrounding us in our society do, and they can lift you up when you most need.
Andrew Solomon was not the only one who helped me, there were these wonderful people on an online forum that I don't feel ready to write its name yet. But I found a community. They are such wonderful opened people that I absolutely love from the buttom of my heart.
So if we suffer from depression, let's just get together and raise some awareness. When we are in our darkest moments, we can't even help ourselves, so we can understand that these people can't feel like helping anyone, but us, who are better, let's speak louder.
The subject of this post is the joy. Why the joy? Because when I felt like confessing about suffering of depression, I felt like I want people to know and I have people to thank - and one of them is Andrew Solomon other ones are the people who treat me and my dearest friend Neil :). The joy I felt when I took that decission was unimaginable few months ago. I told myself that this is just too much joy for me to percieve. I feel the taste of the joy like someone who's been living on the streets since he was born and now gets a confortable bed to sleep.
So what to do with the joy?... I am not used to feeling it and I feel awkward about it.
But joy IS allowed to me as it's allowed to everyone else.
I just found out that my dearest Andrew Solomon posted an article of mine ( http://marcott-age.blogspot.ro/2014/10/homo-depresius.html ) and the unfortunate me can't think of anything else but the comment he got that I didn't write about his book, the Noonday Demon, but about me coming out of depression.
I feel miserable. After the exhausting feeling of joy and pride I felt, now I fall at the buttom of the gap.
I feel miserable.
Let me explain. And let me talk about Noonday Demon.
Andrew Solomon was in Romania when I was in my darkest episode. I wanted to die, I wanted to just lay in bed and never wake up, I was suffering too much to go to the high sky abandoned building at Armeneasca to jump, which was my plan, while thinking jumping facing the sky or facing the ground. I wanted to die in sleep and was extremely afraid of dying at the same time. I kept telling myself that I am strong enough to ask for help then. After that I cried again. The thought that people I know would laugh at me that I am a crazy nuts, Emo style, buttom of society, failure, repugnant, just paralized me.
Few weeks before this I bought I book after a public recommendation, and the book was The Noonday Demon. I started reading it, although my concentration was very low - I said that a whole book about depression would make me feel better.
What I found was relief. When I read Andrew Solomon's words about the pain he felt, it was an analgesic for my pain. And I got to feel that I had a personal conversation with him. It was only his speech in my mind. And I realised that this is what I was looking for - someone to understand me and my pain. And there he was, in a book. And I understood the power of the community. They can torn you down as most of the people surrounding us in our society do, and they can lift you up when you most need.
Andrew Solomon was not the only one who helped me, there were these wonderful people on an online forum that I don't feel ready to write its name yet. But I found a community. They are such wonderful opened people that I absolutely love from the buttom of my heart.
So if we suffer from depression, let's just get together and raise some awareness. When we are in our darkest moments, we can't even help ourselves, so we can understand that these people can't feel like helping anyone, but us, who are better, let's speak louder.
The subject of this post is the joy. Why the joy? Because when I felt like confessing about suffering of depression, I felt like I want people to know and I have people to thank - and one of them is Andrew Solomon other ones are the people who treat me and my dearest friend Neil :). The joy I felt when I took that decission was unimaginable few months ago. I told myself that this is just too much joy for me to percieve. I feel the taste of the joy like someone who's been living on the streets since he was born and now gets a confortable bed to sleep.
So what to do with the joy?... I am not used to feeling it and I feel awkward about it.
But joy IS allowed to me as it's allowed to everyone else.
luni, 3 noiembrie 2014
Before I sleep
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
Whose woods these are I think I know.
His house is in the village though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.
My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.
He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound’s the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.
The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.
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